Did you know that Sedition Hunters found on Twitter at @SeditionHunters is the organization working with the FBI that is tracking down J6 people and politically persecuting and smearing and slandering them on their website? Me either. I just thought it was some mean bullies in their basement. Oh contraire!
This group is highly organized and well funded and seems to be an offshoot of the Federal Government. I could be wrong, but it seems like it to me.
Plus, this group is singling out people and they are being arrested.
Sedition Hunters is causing people to be persecuted and prosecuted. Google the organization. It’s getting stronger. This group is daily hunting down people who were in the crowd on J6 and the FBI is taking their tips and raiding these people’s homes and arresting them. I have heard from a J6 defense attorney that there are thousands more who are targets to be arrested.
People are being thrown in prison because of Sedition Hunters. This group is combing Facebook and social media trying to find people for the FBI to arrest. Why is this group thriving? The URL alone is defamatory. Why is the FBI working with this group? What can be done to stop the persecution of Americans by organizations like this? Are we going to stand by while Americans are being arrested? Some of the people being arrested are facing 20-30 years in prison for strange charges. Are you going to address this issue?
Is it actually legal to “hunt” your fellow Americans and put them on a website that accuses them of doing sedition when they have yet to be charged, tried or convicted?
I think the thousands of us who are being defamed on this website and hunted down and persecuted need to come together to do a class action lawsuit against
If you’re interested, email me at jennaryanrealty@gmail.com. I’m going to be seeking legal counsel to put a stop to this persecution.
This group has WAY too much power. They’re literally causing people to be arrested. There needs to be a law against this type of political persecution.
There is no one charged with insurrection, so that can’t be true. There was nothing planned, it was a set up and no one was armed. This website is a hate site meant to smear and falsely accuse innocent people. It’s real time gaslighting.
Why focus on our Veterans??? That’s who this group is targeting. Our military veterans. Almost all the J6 victims of political persecution and prosecution are veterans. Somebody stop this travesty. We need an act, or a bill, or some sort of government intervention.
According to the website, “Sedition Hunters is a global community of open-source intelligence investigators (OSINT) working together to assist the U.S. FBI and Washington D.C. Capitol Police in finding people who allegedly committed crimes in the January 6 capitol riots.”
How is this integrated @RepMTG ??? Why do they have an acronym? Is that an official part of our government?
Sedition Hunters seems to be organized and (potentially government sponsored) online bullying program.
Maybe Elon Musk needs to give Sedition Hunters a label. I think it may be a hate group.
We need an “Anti Tattle Troll” Bill. It needs to be illegal for the FBI to work in conjunction with non governmental agencies to locate, troll and capture Americans for political prosecution in this way. Don’t you think? When is enough going to be enough???
I want to know how much they’re making for each capture, who is paying them, who is paying the employees to do the website, how do I contact their legal department to file a class action lawsuit?
I want to know how much they’re making for each capture, who is paying them, who is paying the employees to do the website, how do I contact their legal department to file a class action lawsuit?
Is it actually legal to “hunt” your fellow Americans and put them on a website that accuses them of doing sedition when they have yet to be charged, tried or convicted?
And you’re telling me that the FBI is actually taking these Sedition Hunters and using them to make prosecutions??? Destroying people’s lives??? Tearing them from their children???
Why are Tattle Trolls working with the US Justice System??? Who is paying them? Are the Tattle Trolls working on anything else? Do they have access to the attorneys in DC? What about the juries? Are these Tattle Trolls going to the trials? Who the are they and who is paying them?
Is Sedition Hunters law enforcement? Did they earn a badge? Did they go to school? Are they focused on a particular group of people in a discriminatory way? Are they following the US Constitution? Are they seeking vengeance? Have they sworn to an oath to protect the law and constitution? No. I don’t think so. Why are they serving as law enforcement?
Why is the FBI working with a group that uses defamation against American Citizens as a title. I didn’t commit “sedition” yet, the title implies that I did. It’s like creating a website called “murderers” and putting a group of people on it. It’s putting people in a false light, it’s defamation and it’s also odd that they’re colluding (I mean “helping”) with the FBI.
When did they commit crimes? What did they do? Have they been convicted? Why are they on a website called “Sedition Hunters?” And why is this website / group working directly with the FBI to track people and find them and persecute them for a Fake Insurrection Set-Up?
If we all do a class action lawsuit against this website, the website will be removed. We need to get an emergency injunction. It is all kinds of defamation and civil torts. Email me: jennaryanrealty@gmail.com as I am working with attorneys who can help us.