My new book, “Storming the Capitol” is now available for Presell on Amazon. If you want to get it hot-off-the-press, the e-book is coming first, (especially good for journalists) and shortly thereafter the Paper Back, and then Hard Cover. I am also booking for speaking events throughout 2023, contact me at
Storming the Capitol: My Truth About January 6th by Jenna Ryan
Click Here to Order on Amazon!!!
This book will be a factual account of what happened to me during and after January 6th. It will be a good read no matter what your political affiliation, especially if you want to hear details that have never before been made public. This book will be a history lesson, describing my own personal wild ride stemming from January 6th.
Jenna Ryan Book
Storming the Capitol: My Truth About January 6th by Jenna Ryan
#j6 #january6 #january6th #jennaryan #stormingthecapitol #americanhistory #history #politics #trump #prison #fbi #fed #feds #federalprison #prisoncamp #politicalprisoner #dcgulag