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Jenna Ryan Reality TV

Jenna Ryan having dinner in Frisco, TX

Jenna Ryan has turned away offers to be in Reality Shows due to her busy schedule selling real estate in Frisco and surrounding areas. Hollywood producers have pursued Jenna for reality shows for streaming on Netflix and Hulu, but Jenna states:

“I am interested in doing film and entertainment, but only if it fits in with my current workflow and is lucrative enough for me to consider taking time off of real estate. As of right now, my career is selling homes in the DFW area of Texas. I love what I do and it would take something pretty big to take me away from my current career. I don’t do anything half-way.”

Jenna Ryan – Frisco Real Estate Agent

Jenna Ryan on Instagram

Many commenters on the internet have speculated that Jenna Ryan would participate in reality TV, and this is simply not true. At this time, Jenna would only consider doing a reality show if it centered around selling real estate, and if there were limitations on the merchandising of her image and brand.

Now Jenna is focusing on building her new Frisco Real Estate Company, First Place Real Estate, from scratch in the Town of Frisco and is doing very well. The market in DFW is wonderful and it’s a great time to buy or sell in Frisco, Prosper, Celina, McKinney, Dallas and surrounding areas.